Tag Archives: featured

I Hear Banjo Music

What kind of music do you expect to hear in the Big Apple? Big band? Jazz? Funk? Steel drums on the street corner?

Of course, New York city has it all.

But I was surprised to listen to two guys in Washington Park play blues, one on a banjo, and one on a green plastic melodica. Here is a bit of the sound:

It reminded me of this man I saw in San Francisco

Rock 'n Roll Banjo
cc licensed ( BY-SA ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

He was playing the Rolling Stones “Street Fighting Man” on a banjo, quite different from the way those boys from the UK did it.

It’s All About Soup

Because wordpress makes it easy to embed a video.

Find a video on Youtube or vimeo.

Copy it’s URL, or web address.

In my wordpress blog editor, just put that URL on an empty line, all alone (not as a hyperlink), e.g.


And voila! It is embedded

Video in your page, mmmmmm good.